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Are You “Too Old” For Invisalign? Here’s the Answer!

Are You “Too Old” For Invisalign? Here’s the Answer!

February 20, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — orthoholliston @ 4:26 pm
Adult patient smiling in orthodontist's office

Invisalign has completely revolutionized the field of orthodontics. After all, now there is a way to address misaligned teeth and uneven bites without noticeable brackets, dietary restrictions, and lengthy treatment timelines. If you never had braces as a kid (or you did but your teeth have shifted out of position over the years), you might be wondering if you’re “too old” to get Invisalign now. Read on to find out!


Why Does It Seem Like My Teeth Have Shifted Over Time?

December 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — orthoholliston @ 7:21 pm
a patient visiting their orthodontist

The human body is in a constant state of change, and one of the most obvious signs of this is the teeth. While many assume that teeth are fixed, or at least incredibly difficult to move without the help of orthodontics, this isn’t true at all; teeth continue to move as you age! Continue reading to learn a little more about what causes teeth to shift as you age, along with how speaking with your orthodontist can lead you toward a life-changing solution.


Giving Your Grin Its Due: Why & How to Celebrate World Smile Day

October 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — orthoholliston @ 6:43 am
A closeup of a woman with braces getting care from an orthodontist

While October is best known for Halloween, that doesn’t mean it lacks other big events. Today happens to be World Smile Day – a time to celebrate grins and how they transform our communities! While there’s still some daylight, you should share your pretty pearly whites with others. Your Holliston orthodontist can even help you. In fact, here’s a primer on World Smile Day, how to celebrate it, and what you should do to get involved.


Winds of Change: Tips for Playing an Instrument with Your New Braces

August 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — orthoholliston @ 3:24 pm
a girl holding a clarinet

Wearing braces can be an exciting time in your life – however, it’s tough to ignore some of the changes that you’ll experience while undergoing your orthodontic journey. While eating and speaking might prove a little challenging at first, something that’s often overlooked is the impact that the metal brackets and wires have on those who play wind instruments. Continue reading to learn more about braces and how to ensure that you’re still able to masterfully play your instrument while you’re straightening your smile.


4 Freedoms You’ll Love with Invisalign

June 24, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — orthoholliston @ 1:35 pm

Between the dietary restrictions and frequent check-in appointments, it’s not surprising that many patients view traditional braces as a bit of a hassle. If that’s the case for you, then you’ll be happy to know that there’s an alternative: clear aligners. Below, you’ll find freedoms you’ll love with Invisalign (and why countless others have chosen this discreet teeth-straightening treatment).


4 Important Questions You Should Keep in Mind During Your First Orthodontic Appointment

April 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — orthoholliston @ 4:36 pm
a patient chatting with her orthodontist

If you’re thinking about investing in orthodontic treatment for yourself or a loved one, you have lots of options. However, as convenient as this is, it also often leads to patients having several questions about what the process entails. Continue reading below for four questions that you should take with you to your first orthodontic appointment so that you can get the answers you need to comfortably commit to treatment!


Why Do I Need Invisalign Refinements?

August 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — orthoholliston @ 6:03 am
a person smiling and holding their Invisalign tray

Invisalign has taken the world of modern dentistry by storm! These awesome clear aligners can reshape smiles in a convenient and discreet manner, without any of the discomforts of traditional braces. However, if you’re nearing the finish line of your Invisalign journey, you might need Invisalign refinements to keep things on track. Here’s more about why these are often a crucial part of ensuring your treatment’s success!


A Brief & Helpful Guide for Brushing and Flossing with Braces

June 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — orthoholliston @ 5:52 pm
a closeup of a patient with braces brushing her teeth

If you’re about to get braces or you’ve just begun orthodontic treatment, you probably have a lot on your mind. While the prospect of a straighter and healthier smile might be what’s motivating you, it’s possible that you could also feel a little confused about how to effectively brush and floss your teeth during this process. Here’s a brief guide from your trusted orthodontist to assist you with brushing and flossing as you kick off your braces journey; it’s more straightforward than you may realize!


3 Reasons You Shouldn’t Neglect Wearing Your Retainer

April 1, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — orthoholliston @ 7:58 pm
a closeup of a retainer

If you’ve finally reached the finish line of your orthodontic journey, you’re probably feeling pretty ecstatic to reveal your new and improved smile to the world! However, you aren’t out of the woods just yet—to maintain your results, it’s crucial that you wear your retainer as instructed by your orthodontist. Here are three important reasons why you shouldn’t neglect this habit!


Learning the Basics About Rubber Bands on Braces

February 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — orthoholliston @ 3:14 am
Close-up of rubber bands on braces

After you have had traditional braces for 4-6 months, your orthodontist might tell you it is time to start using rubber bands which are also known as elastics. It is understandable if you feel a little frustrated because now you have yet another component of treatment to think about, but you can be certain that your orthodontist would not advise you to use them unless absolutely necessary. This post discusses the critical role of rubber bands on braces and provides some guidance on what you can expect while wearing them.

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