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Giving Your Grin Its Due: Why & How to Celebrate World Smile Day

October 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — orthoholliston @ 6:43 am
A closeup of a woman with braces getting care from an orthodontist

While October is best known for Halloween, that doesn’t mean it lacks other big events. Today happens to be World Smile Day – a time to celebrate grins and how they transform our communities! While there’s still some daylight, you should share your pretty pearly whites with others. Your Holliston orthodontist can even help you. In fact, here’s a primer on World Smile Day, how to celebrate it, and what you should do to get involved.

What’s World Smile Day?

If you haven’t heard of World Smile Day, that’s only natural. This special occasion is a lot newer than other October celebrations.

You see, it all got started with Harvey Ball in 1999. The American artist felt that his smiling face symbol (first made in 1963) had been too commercialized and lost its meaning. To make up for this fault, he devised “World Smile Day” to promote acts of kindness. The event has been celebrated on the first Friday of October ever since.

Thanks to Mr. Ball’s “World Smile Day,” his smiley design is now the world’s symbol of happiness. It transcends cultures and inspires people to act kindly and charitably around the globe.

How Can You Celebrate It?

Of course, a great way to celebrate World Smile Day is to look after your grin. It won’t inspire positive feelings if it doesn’t look and feel good.

In particular, now would be a good time to commit to orthodontics. Traditional braces can fix misaligned smiles (and jaws) for kids and adults. Similarly, Invisalign would give you a straighter grin without the hassle of brackets and wires. Self-ligating braces are also an option if you need low-key care that does more than clear aligners.

Once your smile is straight, the next thing to do is practice good oral care. You could start with brushing twice daily and flossing between your teeth each evening. From there, try seeing your dentist for six-month dental checkups and cleanings.

Remember to Get Involved

With your grin in great shape, you’re ready to honor ‘World Smile Day’ by helping your community. Doing so would inspire a lot of people.

If you need ideas, many examples exist of great community work. You could try donating supplies to your child’s local school, furthering lofty educational goals. Another approach is to give some money to a local charity – a homeless shelter, an animal rights group, etc. Whatever you do, just ensure you spread joy, kindness, and compassion!

Clearly, World Smile Day is worth your time and attention. Please make the most of it by flashing your dazzling grin today!

About the Practice

Simply Orthodontics Holliston is based in Holliston, MA. Led by Drs. Alkoury and Carlotto, our practice always excels at making smiles straight and healthy! We ensure that much by offering traditional braces, Invisalign clear aligners, self-ligating braces, and other orthodontic devices. Whatever kind of misalignment your teeth or jaw face, you can trust us to help out! For more details or to book a visit, please reach us on our website or by phone at (508)-429-7800.